I have ordered vpn service, but no details are showing in my account, it just says active?

When you place an order for our VPN service, you are redirected to your client page, if you click on services, it will say VPN Service active.  All of the details you need are automatically emailed to you as soon as you have paid, including your username and password, and an attachment ovps.zip which are the OpenVpn profiles for the VPN Servers.

If you haven't received any emails, PLEASE check your spam folder in-case your email provider has falsely listed the emails as spam.

Simply download and install the clients listed in the email with your username and password.  Enter your username and password and then you can connect to the VPN Service.


More details for the apps you can use and your devices and the installation instruction can be found in the Knowledgebase - https://vpnpro.uk/index.php?rp=/knowledgebase/2/Apps

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